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Period S.O.S.

Harmonize Your Cycle

Acupressure Guide for Better Periods 


This guide was crafted with the healing powers of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Inside, you will learn the exact tools and techniques I use to help my clients live in harmony with their cycles.

What if I told you that with just 10 minutes of acupressure per day you could…

Increase your energy and vitality

Optimize hormone function

Regulate your cycle

Reduce pain, bloating and swelling

Reduce hormonal acne breakouts

Reduce feelings of heaviness

Significantly reduce stress, anxiety and depression

Remove the Guesswork

With video demonstrations to show you exactly where to apply pressure and how firmly…

And audio guides to talk you through the right timing…

You will learn to cultivate a practice that provides you with the relief you’ve been looking for.

There is no help required, you will be able to apply the Acupressure Protocol all on your own. 

Are you ready to finally work WITH your cycle, instead of against it?