Will I Ever Get a Good Night’s Sleep?


Are you dreading going to bed each night? Worried that you will toss and turn all night or fall asleep quickly but be wide awake at 1:00am and unable to fall back asleep? Are you waking up feeling more tired than when you went to bed?


Insomnia is rampant!!  So many are unable to get a good night’s sleep. Feeling rested in the morning is a thing of the past. Lack of sleep is causing fatigue, brain fog, grumpiness, and even weight gain.


Although it is not easy to change your sleeping patterns, it is possible to change them, so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to enjoy your day.


Follow this link for my video on acupressure points for a better sleep! https://youtu.be/n9KkEcpDjLc


These tips may be hard at first to incorporate into your daily life, but if you really are serious about getting a good sleep you may need to make some changes in your routines.

  • No computer screens at least 1 hour before bed


  • Switch your computer screen to nighttime mode in the early evening


  • No suspenseful, intense, movies, books, or music before bed- no need to stimulate the brain


  • Develop a before bed routine and do the same things every night.
    • Wash face, brush teeth, etc. about 30 minutes before bed


  • Create a nice environment in your bedroom
    • No computers, TVs, no electronics at all
    • Nice lighting- keep it dark
    • Have a cool bedroom


  • Don’t eat close to bedtime- allow at least 2 hours to digest your food
    • No spicy foods right before bed


  • Limit alcohol- alcohol can act as a stimulant and effect sleep


  • Limit caffeine especially in the evening. This includes coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate


  • Use an essential oil- lavender is very good to help calm anxiety and quiet the mind


  • Have a sleepy time tea- chamomile is a nice one


  • Take magnesium- this has been touted as the relaxation mineral and most of us do not get enough of it in our diet.


  • Meditate or listen to guided stories. There are many great websites and apps out there that can help you with this, my favorite is the Calm App.

Take mini relaxation breaks during the day- it is very important to learn how to sit and relax throughout the day. It is very hard for the body and mind to run around all day frantically and then be able to automatically shut down when you go to bed. If you are someone who never sits down throughout the day and gets uncomfortable and restless at the thought of some “down time” please, please, please understand that this is often the number one reason for your poor sleep. Allow yourself some down time each day to relax and do something you enjoy without a deadline or a goal in mind. This will help the mind to shut off at night and some good quality sleep to soon follow.

  • Control your mind and slow your mind

Acupressure points for sleep

These points are helpful to use for 5-10 minutes before bed to help calm the body and mind and prepare for sleep

  • Shenmen- Inner ear point
  • Du 20- Top of scalp
  • Yintang – Third eye
  • K6- Joyful sleep
  • CV17- Chest center


DU 20




Acupuncture treatments combined with the acupressure points and lifestyle suggestions noted above can be the difference in your sleep occurrence, quality, and quantity. So yes, it does take a little (or a lot) of work to change your bedtime routine, but it is so worth it!

Follow this link for my video on acupressure points for a better sleep! https://youtu.be/n9KkEcpDjLc